Sunday, December 18, 2011

Recovering from sinus problems

This last 2 weeks has been rough.  Missed lots of work, had problems making it through the work day when I did go in.  Symptoms were headaches, chills, sinus irritation, chest tightness, etc.  Since I had no fever, and others were having the same, it appeared to be a virus which would have to run its course.  Two days ago, the wife talked me into the doctor, who says sinus infection, even though there is no fever, and prescribed augmentin generic sub.  The scary part being, he claims that he's had patients die from infections without fever.

Now I'm taking antibiotics, with some loose stool results, so I have been hitting plain yogurt/sour cream at meals to help restore good cultures.

Priority prepping:  clean air, shelter, clean water, health/sanitation/medical alternatives, food.  Security and home defense are on the list, too.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Prepping for health care workers

I work as a nursing assistant.  Yeah, it's gruesome, and it's tough when a ninety-something resident says, "Hi, pops" every time he recognizes me. But there are some nursing assistants older than me who are still hanging on.  They may be the last line of defense for their residents.

Various surveys of public health and safety workers indicate that a large percentage would not report for work in a major emergency.  This includes doctors, nurses, emergency services, police officers, etc.  Think of Katrina. Read about it.  Pretty scary.

Reality is, people with children at home have to put them first in an emergency.  So us old buzzards would have to shoulder the load.  There aren't really enough of us to go around.  So what can be done?

Any ideas?

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The third millenium prepper look

Anyone following SurvivalBlogdotcom, or any of the other survival/prepper blogs?

Remember the prep look?  Now it looks like the prepper look is in, and there are a number of ways for folks to express their concern about the drastic times we live in.  Preppers, survivalists, doomsteaders, peak oilers, global climate change folks, apocalypso enthusiasts, you name it.

Now what does a guy who is starting to worry about senile dementia do when impact of the effluent on the impeller is imminent?  There's liable to be a Bad Day at Black Rock, and Trouble in River City, not to mention Big Trouble in Little China.  So..would a guy like that Get Out Of Dodge, or Hunker Down in Place?

All joking aside, facing end of life issues with the possibility that one's children and grandchildren may be facing end of life issues is frightening.  Kind of like facing nuclear holocaust.